Make Sure you're not connected to your vpn while doing this and make sure you didn't bridge your connection, if you did then just delete the bridge, All that needs to be done is your xbox connected to your laptop with an ethernet cord.
1. First, plug your xbox into your laptop or computer with an ethernet cord.(Don't create a bridge)
2. Go to your lower right hand corner of your screen with your connection, right click it and go to open network and sharing center
3. Then once your in network and sharing go to the left hand corner of that window and click on change adapter settings
4. Right click on your vpn connection and scroll down to properties
5. Now go to the tab to the right and select sharing, then click allow other network users to connect though this computers internet connection, then under that check box you will select your xbox which should be labeled local area connection 2 or something like that, and don't be connected to your vpn while doing all this, Press okay to save changes and move on to the next step.
6. After that you can connect to your vpn, then turn on your xbox and leave all settings to automatic on your xbox console(Which it should be set
If you need any help just post here and I can team viewer you to help!
Again, Don't make these mistakes:
--Don't be connected to your VPN while doing this.
--Don't create a bridge between your xbox and computer.
--Leave all setting on your xbox 360 console the way they have always been.
Other freevpn proceed here.
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